Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Baby lust? Now? Already?

I mean... come on!
I went for my annual today... and since I haven't had a period yet (I'm nursing... so I wouldn't expect one!) the doctor made me take a blood pregnancy test. As I was driving home, I felt that tickle of anticipation. Deep down I KNOW I'm not pregnant. But there is a part of me that sort of wished that by some strange fluke, my fertility returned early and we caught it before Alex was deployed.
No. I know it's not likely. Probably more likely that Alex is pregnant. Which is obviously impossible. Sigh.
I thought today: what if I can't stop having babies? What if I can't control myself and I end up with 14 kids? I can see that happening. Because when baby fever hits me it knocks the sense out of me. Obviously. Listen to me! Alex would have a heart attack if he even knew this thought was being entertained. Logically... no more than 5. I will NOT drive a full sized van! A mini van is as far as I go. And I never thought I'd go there!
We were originally planning to have 4. But after Carmen was born and I realized that I only got to do it one more time, I raised. Alex wants 7. So if I want... I can raise again. And again. You never know where you might end up.


Stephanie said...

I hear ya.