Sunday, December 11, 2005

Christmas shopping!!

We've finished buying Sofias gifts. I want to get Carmen something.... but I don't know what yet. I am half way done shopping for Miss O. I still need to get her her *big* present... I think she wants a robosapien, but she may still change her mind. We'll see what she says by the end of the week. Her list was funny. Erasers. All sorts of them. The funniest thing she wanted was a set of cheese erasers. I assume they're just cheese shaped?? I need to ask her.

I have NO idea what I'm going to get for Alex. He always says not to get him anything and we all KNOW that I can't just get him nothing..... so I am stuck. I wish he'd just tell me what he wants!! Maybe I'll get *him* some really cool cookware (I've had my eye on some bakeware at Macy's).
then maybe next year he'll tell me what he wants so I don't have to buy him something *I* want and pretend it's for him!


Anonymous said...

I definetly think you should get him the cookware! ;)

Berritt said...

That's what I'm talking about!! ;)