Thursday, September 08, 2005

Did I ever mention....

that I hate the army? I might have, but wasn't quite sure.
It's almost 6:30 and my husband is at a mandatory family meeting. They are ALWAYS rediculous. They never say anything new or important, or that we didn't already know or couldn't have found out the next day.
I'm the one that is supposed to go. But since I won't (because they are rediculous) he is stuck. Which does seem fair since he's the one signing us up for this life. Not me. If it were up to me he'd be out already.
I haven't eaten dinner with him on a workday since he's been home unless I wait to eat until 7pm. He's tired all the time and I swear he falls asleep on the couch after work nearly half the time. It really seems as though I barely see him.

And he's thinking of signing us up again. Joy.